Pefkos Weather


The above weather forecast is LIVE weather forecast

This weather widget above shows the current weather for Pefkos, as well as the weather at night, morning, afternoon and evening.

or click this link to see Lindos Weather

Click Here

For any other websites you must must make sure you choose the Pefkos in Rhodes and not on the mainland when you look on any weather apps, we have given you a link to a great weather website which has located Lindos which is next door to Pefkos for you but the above LIVE forecast is for Pefkos.

The above temperatures in our yellow and orange guide are IN THE SHADE so you can add a few more degrees to each average.

The above is just a rough guide – we have had rain and storms in June, and August!

You are more likely to experience showers or cloud during May, June, September and October although these tend to be fleeting and the temperature remains warm.

if your searching for the weather for your devices please make sure you choose Pefki on any other weather apps or websites as it will show you the main land Pefkos otherwise.

Will I need a Cardigan while in Pefkos?

We have decided to give you a Cardigan Rating for each month:

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